In 2023, 60% of total online purchases happened on marketplaces.

In conclusion, you need a marketplace strategy. But where to start ? Or how can you stand out and sell more if you’re already on them ?

Today, we’re all competing for consumer’s attention. So you need to reach them where they are : the marketplaces. However, it’s not easy to start successfully :

Which marketplace(s) do you start with ?

So many marketplaces today. Every country has its own favourite and every category its own specialised platform. Which one should you choose from?

Internationalisation – Diversification – Potential Scan

How can you as much as possible ?

When your order comes in, or you’ve added a new product to your website, you want it to update automatically through all your systems. But how do you set it up? Which partner to choose from?

Integrator – Repricer

Which products should you focus on ?

Just like every company that sells products, you’ll have bestselling and longtail products. Which ones should you start with on which marketplace?

Listing creation – Reviews

How can you stand out ?

There are enormous amounts of products on these platforms, even in your categories. So how can you make sure the shopper clicks on your product?

Content optimisation – Reviews – Sponsored products

How can you deliver quickly ?

Customer’s today are spoiled : they want the products deliverd on their doorstep the next day. But how can we guarantee this ?

FBA/FBB Support – Return Solutions

How do you not obstruct your B2B-clients ?

You don’t want to startle your B2B clients by starting to sell on these platforms. So how can you sell without standing in their way ?

Brand protection – Content optimisation

Luckily, Merkado’s here.

Our Marketplace experts will be your secret ingredient for marketplace success. Together, we’ll follow the Merkado Flywheel Process :

How to get started

We Spot your Potential

We assess your entire product catalog and identify marketplaces which will maximize your bottomline growth. Request your potential scan here. 

We Set up Your Infrastructure

We create an infrastructure which will allow you to effortlessly scale your efforts. It’s up to you whether you own these tools or not.

We Optimize all Products

We create highly shoppable products by optimizing discoverability (keywords), images and A+ content that grab attention and drive revenue.

Performance Management

We assess all results in our custom dashboards and continuously optimize the current set up. Always looking for ways to improve.

Launch new marketplaces

Once you’re succesfull on one marketplace, why stop there? We will identify other platforms in new countries that offer opportunities for your products, and start the merkado flywheel anew.

A few cases

How to use marketplaces to sell more products on your own website

How we used a multiple marketplace strategy to boost revenue x10

How we switched from automatic to manual advertising and got way more views and conversion for less budget

And we also proudly work for

We are a verified acclaimed partner in the sector

We’re very proud to be partners with these giants in the business :

Not sure what’s in it for you ?

Let us do a FREE potential scan on your products and you’ll immediately know what’s out there for you !